Thursday, September 5, 2013

Italia: One Step at a Time

Quintus Horatius taught us over 2000 years ago: Carpe Diem. In English, seize the day. Despite our great heritage from the Roman culture, we Italians do not seem to have picked up the essence of Horatiu's lesson. Patience is not a very well spread quality among our great population. 

The world of football is where this is mainly demonstrated: short-run projects; managers fired even during preseason; and so on.

So here we are, our beloved Nazionale is about to print the tickets for Brazil 2014 as it prepares to face two difficult teams, Bulgaria and Czech Republic, both in national territory. 

Early world cup qualification would represent another sign of maturity for Prandelli's team. It would be the best way for the Nazionale to prepare for the magical tournament of next year. 

Unfortunately, a couple of days ago Italians received very bad news. Not any bad news, but one of the saddest news calcio fans could have heard these days: Cesare Prandelli will leave the Nazionale right after the world cup.

Of course, what is the most likely thing for us Italians to do after hearing the news? There's in only one possible answer. Travelling in time to the future, precisely to August 2014, to only discuss about who is going to take over the Nazionale's managerial job. No more discussion about world cup qualification or, more surprisingly, not even room to discuss about the actual world cup. 

One step at a time guys. First thing to worry about now is to secure the qualification on Friday and Tuesday. Then, what is going to be the final group to take on the adventure of hunting for the fifth star in Brazil. Then, and only then, it's when we will finally have the right and obligation to think about the next manager. 

Forza ragazzi. Our players need us. Prandelli deserves it. Let's start the season by eating Bulgarians!


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